Veggie Creamy Sandwich

Veggie Cream Sandwich in Marathi Time: 20 minutes Makes: 4 sandwiches Ingredients: 8 bread slices 1 medium bell pepper, finely chop...

Veggie Cream Sandwich in Marathi

Time: 20 minutes
Makes: 4 sandwiches

8 bread slices
1 medium bell pepper, finely chopped
1/2 cup shredded cabbage
1/2 cup grated carrot (using big hole grater)
1/2 cup finely chopped cauliflower
1/2 cup milk
1 tbsp maida (all purpose flour)
1/4 cup grated cheese
1/4 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp butter
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp sugar
Other ingredients:
3 tbsp green chutney (1/2 cup cilantro + 2 spicy chutney + little salt and little water)
Tomato Ketchup

1) Mix maida and milk together without any lumps.
2) Heat butter into a pan. Add all the vegetables and stir fry over high heat for 2 minutes. Add black pepper, sugar and little salt.
3) Turn heat to low. Add mixture of maida and milk. Stir well till thick. Add cheese and mix for a minute.
4) Apply green chutney to 4 bread slices and tomato ketchup to the remaining 4 slices.
5) Divide the veggie mixture into 4 equal portions. Spread the mixture on 4 bread slices and top it with other 4.
Cut diagonally. Serve with Tomato Ketchup.


दलिया इडली - Daliya idli

Daliya Idli in English वेळ: पूर्वतयारी- २० मिनीटे (दलिया भिजवणे वगळून) । पाकृसाठी- ३५ ते ४० मिनीटे नग: १५ ते १७ मध्यम इडल्या साहित्य: १ कप दलिया रवा २ कप गरम पाणी फोडणीसाठी: १ टेस्पून तेल, २ चिमटी ...

गुळपोळी - gulpoli

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Vaidehi Bhave:

Nahi. Condense milk ghatta aste. Dudh ghatle tar batter patal hoil. Tasech ha eggless cake ahe.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Thank you for your comment.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Sorry for replying late. Thoda dudh ghalun shijavave. Kadhikadhi naral thoda dry asel tar sakhar virghalat nahi. tyamule thoda olsarpana yayla dudh ghalave.

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