Upavasachi Khandvi

Upavasachi Khandvi in Marathi Very Delicious Indian Fasting Food Item. I ngredients: ½ cup Vari Tandul (Samo) ½ cup Grated Jaggery 1½ cup Wa...

Upavasachi Khandvi in Marathi

Very Delicious Indian Fasting Food Item.

½ cup Vari Tandul (Samo)
½ cup Grated Jaggery
1½ cup Water
2 Tsp Pure Ghee
1 Tsp Cardamom Powder
¼ cup Fresh Grated Coconut
Chinese, Fasting Food, Indian Food, Indian Cuisine, Religious Food, Rice Recipe, Small grain Rice Recipe, Healthy Food, Weight Loss
1) Wash vari tandul with water. Drain.
2) Take a heavy bottom pan. Heat 2 tsp ghee in it. Add washed Vari Tandul and stir till color turns to light pink (?) or for 2-3 minutes.
3) In other pan, heat 1½ cup water. Add hot water in roasted Vari Tandul. Give a nice stir and cover it with lid. Sometimes, Vari tandul absorb all the water and becomes dry. We want moist mixture. If it becomes dry, you need to add little hot water. Taste little vari tandul to check whether it’s cooked properly.
4) Once Vari Tandul absorbs all the water, add grated jaggery, grated coconut and Cardamom Powder. Mix well and remove all the lumps. Turn the heat on medium. Cover the pan with lid and let it cook for few minutes.
5) Grease a stainless steel plate with little ghee. Pour all the mixture in the plate and spread evenly to make 1 cm layer.
Sprinkle grated coconut on it and Cut into 2 inch pieces.

Khandavi Recipe, Sweet Khandavi, Vari Tandul Khandavi, Bhagar khandavi, vari tandool khandavi


तिळाच्या वड्या - Tilachya Vadya

Tilachya Vadya in English वेळ:  २५ मिनिटे २४ मध्यम वड्या साहित्य: १/२ कप भाजलेले तीळ १/२ कप किसून भाजलेले सुके खोबरे १/४ कप भाजलेल्या शेंगदाण्याचा कूट ४ टेस्पून मिल्क पावडर १/२ कप साखर, वरपर्यंत...

डिंकाचे लाडू - Dinkache Ladu

Dinkache Ladu in English वेळ: साधारण दिड तास नग: साधारण २५ ते २८ मध्यम लाडू साहित्य: २०० ग्राम डिंक तूप - साधारण १/२ किलोला थोडे कमी १ कप मूगाचे पिठ १ कप सोयाबिन पिठ ३/४ कप भरडसर वाटलेले बदाम ३/४ कप...

खजुराचे लाडू - Khajurache Ladoo

Dates Laddu in English वेळ: १५ मिनिटे १० ते १२ लहान लाडू साहित्य: २५ खजूर, बिया काढून (मिक्सरमध्ये भरडसर वाटून १ कप) १/२ कप बदाम, भरडसर वाटून १/२ कप किसलेले सुके खोबरे, गुलाबीसर भाजून १ टेस्पून तूप ...

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  1. tries this recipe with sAdhA ravA .The measurements were perfect.made it for some of my north indian friends as dessert.they liked it. Thanks a lot.

  2. Hi Sonali
    Thanks for your comment.. I hope you and your frnds have enjoyed it..

  3. hi

    can u please tell us what is vari tandul, how it looks like, i enquired in 2 to 3 indian grocery but didn't get, can u show the picture how it looks

  4. Hi Ananymuous,
    In Marathi Language Vari Tandul is also known as "Bhagar". In English it is known as "Samo" or "Moraiyo" seeds/Rice.
    In Maharashtra, people usually use it to make variety dishes during Fast.
    here is the link for

    Vari Tandul

  5. Hi vaidehi,
    I have tried this yesterday...it was superb!! mast receipe aahe.Thanks!!



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Vaidehi Bhave:

Nahi. Condense milk ghatta aste. Dudh ghatle tar batter patal hoil. Tasech ha eggless cake ahe.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Thank you for your comment.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Sorry for replying late. Thoda dudh ghalun shijavave. Kadhikadhi naral thoda dry asel tar sakhar virghalat nahi. tyamule thoda olsarpana yayla dudh ghalave.

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