Upasache Ghavan

Upasache Ghavan I ngredients: 1 cup Vari Tandul (Moraiyo / Samo) 1 cup Sabudana (Sago) 2 green chilies, finely chopped 2 tbsp fresh grated c...

Upasache Ghavan

Ingredients:1 cup Vari Tandul (Moraiyo / Samo)
1 cup Sabudana (Sago)
2 green chilies, finely chopped
2 tbsp fresh grated coconut
2 tbsp roasted peanuts powder
½ tsp Cumin seeds
Salt to taste
Pure Ghee
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1) Soak Sabudana and Vari Tandul together in water for around 4-5 hours. Keep water level 2 inch above Sabudana and Vari Tandul.
2) After 4-5 hours, grind sabudana and Vari Tandul by adding little water. Add chilies, cumin seeds, grated coconut, peanuts powder and salt to taste. Consistency of the batter should be medium thick.
3) Grease Non-stick tawa with 1 tsp Ghee. Turn the heat on medium. Pour 1 big spoonful batter and spread it in round shape on tawa just like pancake.
4) Drizzle little Ghee around edges of ghavan. Cover with lid for ½ minute. Let the one side cook. Turn the side, once first side is done properly and let the other side cook.

1) Ghavan could become mushy and soggy when you steam cook by covering the pan. It generally happens because of sticky sabudana. So try to cook it by covering pan for first ghavan. If it becomes soggy then don’t cover with lid, just cook both sides without covering the pan.
2) You can add chopped cilantro in the batter.
3) Adjust quantity of chilies according to your taste.


Fasting Recipes, Sabudana Ghavan, sago Recipes, Fasting meal, Fasting Food, varil Tandool recipe, Sabudana Recipe.


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Post a Comment Default Comments

  1. this is good and new recipie. i had not heard of it before.but if instead of soaking sago and varai and then grinding it , how about using thier flours .would that change the taste or create any problem while preperation .

  2. Hi
    thanks for your comment.
    using flours would not create any problem, but the texture of batter become very fine and smooth. and when you soak and grind varai and sago, the batter becomes little grainy (coarse) which gives nice taste and texture to this dish..

  3. I have searching consistently for maharashtrian recipes and all my efforts have ended in frustration. Your blog is simply wonderful and more so because every recipe has an English translation too. The picture helps a lot too. Thanks a lot. Could you post more simple day-to-day veg and non-veg recipes, especially the kind of dishes you see on the Poli Bhaji kendras menus. Keep up the good work and hope many more blogs like these (mainly Marathi cuisine) come up with English translations.

  4. hi Juanna
    thanks for your comment..i will surely post day to day recipes..thnks again

  5. Vaidehi tuzya sarvach recipes atishay chavishta ani atopshir astat....keep up the good work....for the recipe above....
    Apan sabudanyacha rava kadhun waparla tar ?and would adding buttermilk help?

    1. sabudanyacha rava kasa kadhtat yavishayi mala nakki mahiti nahi. Pan tula sadharan 2-3 taas tari bhijavave lagelach. taak ghalu shaktes. tyamule jara ambat chav yeil.



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Vaidehi Bhave:

Nahi. Condense milk ghatta aste. Dudh ghatle tar batter patal hoil. Tasech ha eggless cake ahe.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Thank you for your comment.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Sorry for replying late. Thoda dudh ghalun shijavave. Kadhikadhi naral thoda dry asel tar sakhar virghalat nahi. tyamule thoda olsarpana yayla dudh ghalave.

Like Chakali!
