Maharashtrian Dalimbi Amti

Dalimbi Amti in Marathi Serves: 2 to 3 persons Time: 15 minutes I ngredients: 1 cup sprouted and cleaned Beans 1 tbsp Oil 1/4 cup Dry Coconu...

Dalimbi Amti in Marathi

Serves: 2 to 3 persons
Time: 15 minutes

dalimbi amti, dalimbyanchi amati, maharashtrian amti recipe, valachi amtiIngredients:
1 cup sprouted and cleaned Beans
1 tbsp Oil
1/4 cup Dry Coconut, shredded
1/2 tsp Cumin seeds, for dry roasting
1/2 tsp Cumin seeds, for tempering
1/8 tsp Asafoeitda
1/4 tsp Turmeric
1/2 tsp red chili powder
3-4 curry leaves
2 tbsp Cilantro, for garnishing
2 Kokum pieces
1 tsp Jaggery or 1 tsp Sugar
salt to taste

1) Dry roast coconut over medium heat until nice brown in color. saute while roasting otherwise coconut could burn. Crush roasted coconut with hand. Dry roast cumin seeds over medium low heat until you sense nice aroma. Once cumin seeds are nicely toasted. Crush them coarsely.
2) Beans are very delicate. So steam cook Beans slightly by adding little salt. Do not cook them too much otherwise they will break. We need them whole. Take 1/4 cup of cooked beans into a bowl crush them a little, so that curry will come together nicely.
3) Heat a saucepan. Add oil and wait until it becomes hot. Temper with cumin seeds, asafoeitda, Turmeric, Red chili powder and curry leaves. Now add crushed and whole beans. Add a cup of water. Also add Kokum, roasted n crushed cumin and coconut. Simmer over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add water if required to adjust consistency. Then add Jaggery and cook for 2-3 minutes more. Also add salt if needed. Simmer over low heat for few minutes. Garnish with Cilantro
Serve hot with white Rice.

1) You can use green chilies instead of red chili powder.
2) Usually, I mash 50% of cooked Dalimbi before adding to tempering.
I kept them whole only to show them in the photo.
3) You can use fresh grated coconut along with dry coconut.


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Kobichi Pachadi

Kobichi Pachadi (Indian Cabbage salad)Ingredients:2 cups grated Cabbage2-3 tbsp Roasted Peanuts coarse Powder2 tsp Oil½ tsp Cumin Seeds¼ tsp Asafoetida¼ tsp Turmeric Powder2 Green chilies½ tsp Lemon J...

Post a Comment Default Comments

  1. Looks delish! I have tried this before and loved it.

  2. he konte val vaprle aahet mod aanyala? birde tar nahi milat ithe?

  3. Very healthy Dish..I am gald that I found out ur blog..

  4. thank you all for your comment

    me he India varun anle ahet.. pan americetil Indian store madhye vaal miltat.. chaukashi kara nakki miltil

  5. I tried your recipe. Thanks for the easy & delicious recipe.

  6. Dear Vaidehi,

    Tujhya recipies bhannaat aahet...Me baryachda try karte ani navrya samor bhaav khaun jaate. Thanks to you :)
    Me saddhya US madhye navin aahe & i dont know whom to i thought you'd be the best.
    Mala don queries aahet. Hope you reply:
    1> Tu kuthla mixer/grinder vapartes? Mala ithe India sarkha mixer/blender nahi milala. Mostly they are too big to grind small amounts of masala, etc.
    2> Dalimbi sathi kuthle vaal ghetes? I asked at the indian store but they did not know.

    Hoping for a quick response. Thanks again!




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Vaidehi Bhave:

Nahi. Condense milk ghatta aste. Dudh ghatle tar batter patal hoil. Tasech ha eggless cake ahe.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Thank you for your comment.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Sorry for replying late. Thoda dudh ghalun shijavave. Kadhikadhi naral thoda dry asel tar sakhar virghalat nahi. tyamule thoda olsarpana yayla dudh ghalave.

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