How to Make Chakka from Yogurt

Chakka (Pressed Yogurt or Yogurt cheese) Marathi Recipe Ingredients: 3 cups homemade creamy yogurt or Organic Plain Yogurt (I used Stoneyfie...

Chakka (Pressed Yogurt or Yogurt cheese)

Marathi Recipe

3 cups homemade creamy yogurt or Organic Plain Yogurt (I used Stoneyfield Lowfat yogurt)
3 ft x 3 ft Muslin Cloth or Cheese cloth

Pour the yogurt in the middle of muslin cloth. Gather the edges of the muslin cloth and tie a knot, hanging the tied edges from the kitchen sink, and let the liquid from the yogurt drain in the sink. Hang for 8 hours to drain the water. squeeze with spoon occasionally to drain out the water. After draining all the water, you will get around 1 and 1/4 cup Chakka (125 gram) (pressed yogurt).

Shrikhand Recipe

I did not get Stoneyfield's 'whole milk yogurt'. If you get it in the market, that would also be great to make Chakka.


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Post a Comment Default Comments

  1. don't drain it into the sink...drain it into a bowl and then make bread with the liquid.... :)

  2. dahi kiti vaparayache? (gram madhye sanga)

    1. sayiche dahi vaparave. sadharan paun te 1 kilo. (Varchya pramananusar)



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Vaidehi Bhave:

Nahi. Condense milk ghatta aste. Dudh ghatle tar batter patal hoil. Tasech ha eggless cake ahe.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Thank you for your comment.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Sorry for replying late. Thoda dudh ghalun shijavave. Kadhikadhi naral thoda dry asel tar sakhar virghalat nahi. tyamule thoda olsarpana yayla dudh ghalave.

Like Chakali!
