Daliya Kheer

Time: 15 to 20 minutes Portion: 1 portion   Ingredients: 30 gm Daliya (Cracked Wheat) 30 gm Jaggery ¼ tsp Cardamom Powder 30 ml Milk 5...

Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Portion: 1 portion

30 gm Daliya (Cracked Wheat)
30 gm Jaggery
¼ tsp Cardamom Powder
30 ml Milk
5 ml Ghee
15 gm Fresh Coconut scraped

1. Pressure cook daliya by adding some water.
2. Heat ghee into a pan. Add coconut, sauté for a few seconds.
3. Add cooked Daliya and mix well. Add little water to adjust the consistency
4. Add cardamom powder and jaggery. Simmer till jaggery dissolves. Turn off the heat.
5. Let the kheer cool down a bit. Add milk when the daliya is warm. Mix well and serve.


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Daliya Kheer

Time: 15 to 20 minutes Portion: 1 portion  Ingredients: 30 gm Daliya (Cracked Wheat) 30 gm Jaggery ¼ tsp Cardamom Powder 30 ml Milk 5 ml Ghee 15 gm Fresh Coconut scraped Description: 1. Pressure...

Soya Granules Upma

Soya Granules Upma Time: 10 to 15 minutes Serving: 1  Ingredients:  35 grams Soy Granules 1 tsp Ghee ¼ tsp Cumin seeds Pinch of Hing 4 to 5 Curry leaves 1 or two Green Chilli, finely ...

स्टफ पोटॅटो बोट्स - Stuffed Potato Boats

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Vaidehi Bhave:

Nahi. Condense milk ghatta aste. Dudh ghatle tar batter patal hoil. Tasech ha eggless cake ahe.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Thank you for your comment.

Vaidehi Bhave:

Sorry for replying late. Thoda dudh ghalun shijavave. Kadhikadhi naral thoda dry asel tar sakhar virghalat nahi. tyamule thoda olsarpana yayla dudh ghalave.

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